Monday, September 30, 2013

Last bike ride until baby?

Rode bike to library but was a bit hesitant because I was feeling cramp like in my belly for the first time during my pregnancy.  But I stuck it out & I was fine...just took it nice & slow & easy :)

This one older lady stopped me along the way & scolded me for being on a bicycle with "a baby in there" and told me to take it slow and walk LOL... I thought she was soooo sweet for caring!  :)

Felt my 1st Contraction later this evening!  Braxton Hicks type where I just felt my whole uterus contract like it's squeezing.  No pain.  Actually felt good!  A couple more small ones followed after that but nothing to worry about yet cuz no pattern, no pain, not getting longer-stronger-shorter duration.

Biking @ 37 weeks :)

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