Friday, September 20, 2013

Sun Ha Jang Korean Duck BBQ

Another one that's been on my list for awhile.  Food was unique & good.  Service was exceptional!  They even suggested we bring our bicycles inside the restaurant due to possible theft outside!  They were close to closing so it was cool :)

Gotta ride the cruiser these days cuz I'm getting a bit too big &
need the fat tires & seat for balance & comfort hehee
Sliced duck bbq, Korean style.  the kimchi on the grill is to block the hole so the fat doesn't leak out (you'll see why later)

All the duck fat that accumulated is used to make duck fat fried rice with the red bean rice :)

Nice touch adding the leftover banchan (side dishes) into the mix!

Squeeze out & drain any leftover duck fat through that hole the kimchi was covering.
Let the rice sit until it gets a bit crispy on the bottom - that's how i likey :)

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