Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Angelini Osteria 08/28/13 14 month / 2 month Anniversary dinner

Soooo, I've been here before, but my friend recently told me about their uni pasta so I'm back!
And my boo has not been yet, so what better time than our monthly anniversary?
Btw, it's our 14 month anniversary from when we first met, 
and it's also our 2 month wedding anniversary :)
I'm 32 weeks preggers now...

Unfortunately, when we got there, they had just run out of the Uni pasta!!!  How dare they?! :(
We'll have to call in to reserve some next time (or so the waiter advised).

warm Octopus Salad - ridiculously deliscious!

 Truffle spaghetti at a pricey $50!  Was quite good, but a bit greasy (maybe added truffle oil?),
and the Octopus was still better.

They're famous lasagna.  Don't know why.

Semi Fredo.  Nothing to mention.

Panna Cotta.  Is all that syrup really necessary?  

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